Thursday, October 13, 2005

Chickens for Peace

Amsterdam Enjoying the sights of Amsterdam on a 12 hour lay-over...

Originally uploaded by wabi6.

Sunning myself in the hotel window in Amman...

Originally uploaded by wabi6.

...where I made a new friend. I hope we stay in touch!

Flight I flew into Baghdad and boy are my wings tired! (Ha! chicken humour)

Baghdad I made friends with the other team members....

Baghdad I watched the sun set over the "Green Zone"

I did my part to accessorize for Peace in Iraq!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Survey Says

A Different Kind of Survey

Found this survey on another blog and I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Without pretending, describe yourself in one word:
Curious. (or Compassionate)

Without complaining, describe your day:An average day? Wake up, shower, devotions, eat, work on thesis, clean up around apartment, coffee with a friend, go to work, go for a walk, eat, thesis, pack for move, read, phone with friend, eat ; tv, final thesis moments, web play, take book to bed, sleep.

Without money, what is one entertaining thing you can do:Walk along the ocean, build a sandcastle or two...

Without doubts, what are you sure of:
There is love.

Without time, what would you say to someone you love:
You are loved.

Without shame, describe your favourite toy:
My rubber chicken.

Without guilt, describe your favourite dessert:Mom's homemade rice-pudding with vanilla ice cream.

Without selfishness, whom would you do something for and why:Take the time and effort to find out what is the perfect and unexpected thing I could do for a friend that would make thier day, and then do it.

Without Certantity What do you Hope for:
That I shall one day tell my grandkids about my youthful adventures, and be the hippest grandma to ever rock in a rocker...

Without Bragging What is One Unique Skill You have:Well it certainly isn't brag-worthy, but unique yes. If I ever get itchy ears, I can scratch them by making this weird gulpy sound in my throat....

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

working hard

working hard
Originally uploaded by wabi6.

Well, now that thesis is finally drawing to a's time to share those sites that helped me keep (or loose, depending on your view of it) my sanity...
A few of the more quirky ways I found to procrastinate.

Here is a site that for some reason I was captivated by...something to do with the hypnotic gaze of the noble llamas...the catchy beat...and the random weirdness...I guess. Enjoy!

Speaking of random weirdness...what better way to pay homage to Star Wars than by showing what it would have been like if Lucas cast VEGETABLES! (make your own joke about Lucas dialogue here).

This is a prime example of what happens when Bible college students have too much spare time. All in good fun.

No matter how many times I see this video I always Laugh One of my favourite comedy central clips.

A few good ways to avoid reading about the phenomenological imperative can be found here

If you want to really find ways to avoid working on your reference page check out someone (not in bible school) who has way way way too much time on his hands. a link or two

Of course Bunnies re-enacting epic movies is a productive way to gear up towards working on lit review.

Finally, if you're going to be good and only procrastinate for a minute or two...then use that minute to brush up on the classics.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

10,000 years shining like the sun

Originally uploaded by wabi6.
I had an interesting conversation the other day; question under review "Does concentrating on fighting injustice act as a red herring keeping us from the greater good of showing grace?" I've always thought I wanted to dedicate time and energy to fighting injustice, but perhaps it is time to rethink the perspective from which I come. Does the idea of fighting injustice make it more about me and what I'm doing? Emphasize my own strengths? While grace is more about the other?

My first thought of objection to that argument was the Civil Rights movement in the USA. All those who stood up and resisted segregation and opposed those who would subject's people on the basis of their skin colour. But....The more I thought about it the more it seemed that this example could be about showing grace and standing with the oppressed. Perhaps the difference lies in deciding whether you are going to stand against something or with someone. They may even lead to the same action, but a different starting point, a different attitude and a different perspective. Standing with the oppressed, taking on their burdens as our own, living sacrificially, are these things more about grace or justice? Is it possible that the best way to see justice is to show grace? Finding creative ways of standing in solidarity with those who struggle. The more examples I think of, the more I see it is about the standing with, not the fighting against.
Justice is mine said the Lord. "I desire Mercy not sacrifice" are further words on the subject. Sacrifice had more to do with justice and atonement...Mercy about the sacrifice of the self. Christ said that we need to practice faithfulness without neglecting justice. The emphasis seems to be on the former...
I don't have answers to all these quandaries, but as I contemplate doing some overseas volunteer work in the next few months, I'm glad to have the questions.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Meme Moment

I've been tagged by Andy of Vermont to Continue a Meme.....Apparently the rules are that I am to cut and paste a list of sentence beginnings "If I were a...." and then complete the sentence for three of them. I then tag another person to continue the game...
So, without further ado

If I could be a piece of furniture I'd of those big round balls you sit on at the computer desk...mixing work, ergonomic correctness, and a sense of the zany (bounce! bounce! bounce!).

If I could be a professor...... I'd be the beatnik cool professor who would sit on the desk cross legged and wear funky cloths and be sardonically amusing. My class would adore me and I wouldn't let any of them know my secret favourite student. I'd bake cookies on exam day and encourage discussion and come up with cool ideas for class assignments. I'd also be a loquacious one that doesn't stick to the one sentence rule.

If I could be a super-evil-genius...well who says I'm not. Now that you know though, I may have to kill you. (picture me holding up my little pinkie, twirling my mustache, patting my cat, and laughing manically --> and yes I can cover all these cliches at once because I'm an evil GENIUS)

And just because I don't like following rules, I'll throw in number 4.

If I could be an annoying catch phrase.... I'd be a nerdy one, but in a slyly ironic sense so you'd never be sure if I was in on the joke or oblivious to it....

Sunday, May 15, 2005


Originally uploaded by wabi6.

In Madeleine L'Engle's study of Genesis, "A Stone for a Pillow" she speaks to the vulnerability inherent in free will. This vulnerability is seen both in the risk God took when He called us to write the story of humanity with Him and in the risks we frail beings take when we act on God's calling. L'Engle writes that

"If we refuse to take the risk of being vulnerable we are already half dead. If we are half dead we don't have to starve with the people of Ethiopia. We don't have to share the terrible living conditions of old people struggling to exist on dwindling social security payments...We don't' have to smell the stench of filth, and disease, and hunger in the favelas and barrios." (pg 313).

I believe that our refusal to step out into radical love pains God, not only for the sake of His children who we leave to misery, but also for the offer of abundant life that we refuse for ourselves. By living in passive mediocrity and succumbing to comfortable numbness we throw the gifts of life and free will back in the face of God. We live as though God was "out there" and not Emmanuel, longing to act with us, in us, through us.
Small actions we take may have huge ramifications, pebbles on the pond so to speak. Or to use a once-trendy analogy- "A butterfly flapping it's wings in Costa Rica sets in motion an earthquake in Japan." By choosing to use our free will to follow the voice of El and go where we may not wish to be led, we can choose to be a "universe disturber" (in the words of L'Engle). A moment of self-sacrifice on the part of one human being can set in motion an earthquake in the soul of another. Surely the risk is worth it?

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Personality Profiles

Took a version of the Myers' Brigg, as usual came up as an INFP....this one was rather fun in that it also gives you your 4 next closest matches. I'm not too surprised that the N (intuitive) is the one constant......

Your #1 Match: INFP

The Idealist
You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.
You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.

Your #2 Match: INTP

The Thinker
You are analytical and logical - and on a quest to learn everything you can.Smart and complex, you always love a new intellectual challenge.Your biggest pet peeve is people who slow you down with trivial chit chat.A quiet maverick, you tend to ignore rules and authority whenever you feel like it.
You would make an excellent mathematician, programmer, or professor.

Your #3 Match: ENFP

The Inspirer
You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller!
You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.

Your #4 Match: ENTP

The Visionary
You are charming, outgoing, friendly. You make a good first impression.You possess good negotiating skills and can convince anyone of anything.Happy to be the center of attention, you love to tell stories and show off.You're very clever, but not disciplined enough to do well in structured environments.
You would make a great entrpreneur, marketing executive, or actor.

Your #5 Match: INFJ

The Protector
You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity.Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is.You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience.You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them.
You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


bridge from Washington to Oregon

Never really thought before on how often bridges are used as metaphors. We speak of bridging the gap between thou and I. We conceptualize the Cross as a bridge between death and life, sin and holiness, God and humanity. We warn against burning bridges. We worry about whether or not a difference of opinion is unbridgable. Mothers wonder if we'd really jump off of bridges just becuase Jane/John did.
So, why this random potpuri of bridge comments? Can't really say. Just food for thought I guess. Which parts of my life need a bridge? After all, bridges allow us to pass over the unpassable. What in my life can I not get over or through that is holding me back? I need to discern which oceans I'm afraid of drowning in, before I can figure out how to build a passage over them. I guess this means I'll just have to cross that bridge when it's right to come to it.

Interestingly, as I was writing this I opened MSN explorer in another window-my home page generates a quote each time and the quote I recieved was "I demolish my bridges behind me...then there is no choice but to move forward." -Firdtj of Nansen

Monday, April 25, 2005

Started my vacation in BC. Here's a bit of the forest growth near Lyn Caynon.

Victoria Parliamentary Building. The Dark Black Heart of BC politics.

Beautiful BC. It's on the licence plates for a reason!

Pike Place Market. Have to say there wasn't a lot of fish tossing, more like gentle fish chucking.....but this guy is friendly at least.

Getting ready for OVER THE RHINE!!!!

Over the Rhine!!!! AMAZING show. Can't say enough.....

With anemones like this.....who needs friends; or something like that (:

Pucker up!

This is what passes for the cute wildlife in Oregon USA

When you wish upon a star(fish)

Hay Stack at Canon Beach

Abondoned Delapitaded House near Astoria Washington

Friday, March 25, 2005

Crocus beau

Crocus beau
Originally uploaded by wabi6.

I've been thinking a lot lately about comfortable numbness, and living a dangerous sort of safety. I'd like to be a paradox, but if honest right now I'm more often a contradiciton. I want to be Nicolas Berdyaev so eloquently puts it "it is God who demands that man should be free, and not man himself. Man himself loves servitude and easily comes to terms with it. Freedom is not a right of man but a duty of man before God." I want to live up fully and joyously to that responsibility.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


flags Posted by Hello
Alright, continuing yesterdays train of thought/blog....Here's a couple from "The Book of Questions"

What was the last song you sang to yourself? Stevie Wonder's "I Love You More Today Than Yesterday"

What would you do if you weren't too inhibited or scared too? Try out for a Broadway musical. Now, those who know me are on the floor laughing at this because they know my complete (as in total. as in full. as in 100%) lack of skills in the singing and dancing arenas....but that's the whole point! To totally give myself over to fun and the loosing of inhibitions and doing something that I know "I can't" be willing to be a fool...

Do you feel ill at ease going to a movie, dinner or vacation by yourself? Hmmmm...I rent movies by myself all the time, and if there's some foreign arty flick I can't persuade any one else to go to, I'll go on my own and enjoy it. I wouldn't want to eat dinner in a restaurant on my own, though I often go to coffee houses for work or reading time alone. Vacations, I'm ok with going alone because you meet people along the way, but I prefer to go with someone-in part so you have someone to share the memories with later. However, my life's' biggest regret is not taking an amazing sailing trip I could have because my friend I was supposed to go with backed never again will I turn down a travel opportunity because I'd have to do it on my own.

IF, if, if........

Originally uploaded by wabi6.

I have a habit, a little peccadillo if you will, of reading and enjoying the "If" series of books. Basically these are conversation starter books that pose hypothetical questions. I find them fun (yeah yeah call me a nerd!)

Here are a few:
If you were to define what true personal freedom is, what would you say? Well the cliche is, of course, "nothing left to loose" and to a degree I say yes....but maybe not in the way that the Bard Mitchell meant it....for me true personal freedom would come when I loose my attachments to my material goods, when I truly possess them but am not possessed by them. Being able to walk away without regret from all the little "things" that I use to define my just be...that is freedom.

If you were to complete the phrase "I love my life when....," how would you finish it? hmmm well there are a myriad of ways I can think of to finish this statement...I'll just list two. 1) I love my life when I notice what beautiful music the song of the "ordinary" truly makes. A rather clumsy poetical attempt to note that this universe is alive and God-drenched in wonders we all too often blithely pass on open my eyes and see those wonders and small everyday miracles is to be joyful. 2) I love my life when I live it rather than avoid it. Simplistic? Yes. Simple for me to do? Definitely not.

If you were to name what you have the most compassion for, what would it be?
Those who are rejected and ignored in their misery. Driving down East Vancouver can break your heart.

Finally end on a fun note. If you could have the characters of any painting come to life, which painting would you choose? Well sure there are the great answers like Rembrant's prodigal Son, or the romantic knights and women of J.W. Waterhouse....but in reality it would probably be
something cheesy like this because, really, who wouldn't want a flying horse?

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Oh Canada!

Now if only I liked cold weather as much as warm tropical....this is what I would have come up as.....Go Canada!

You're Canada!

People make fun of you a lot, but they're stupid because you've
got a much better life than they do.  In fact, they're probably just jealous.
 You believe in crazy things like human rights and health care and not
dying in the streets, and you end up securing these rights for yourself and
others.  If it weren't for your weird affection for ice hockey, you'd be
the perfect person.

the Country Quiz at the href="">Blue Pyramid

Spanish eyes

You're Spain!

You like rain on the plain, as well as interesting architecture and
a diverse number of races and religions.  You like to explore a lot, but sailing,
especially in large groups, never really seems to work out for you.  Beware of pirates
and dictators bearing bombs.  And for heavens' sake, stop running around bulls!
 It's just not safe!

the Country Quiz at the href="">Blue Pyramid

And many of my friends thought I'd be Russia.....ha!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

hmmmm, maybe.....

The name of the rose
Umberto Eco: The Name of the Rose. You are a
mystery novel dealing with theology, especially
with catholic vs liberal issues. You search
wisdom and knowledge endlessly, feeling that
learning is essential in life.

Which literature classic are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, January 20, 2005

We are the lucky ones....

A preamble to this entry. An amazing opportunity to give to something greater than oursleves is here. This group is doing powerful things. Donations will be matched.
I volunteer with the Red Cross, going to schools giving talks on either a)Poverty/Disease Cycle or b)Children in War. Often at the conclusion of the Poverty/Disease Cycle I read this little piece.
We are the Lucky Ones
If You Can Read........
....then you are luckier than over one billion people who cannot read at all.

If You Woke Up This Morning With More Health Than Illness......
....then you are luckier than the more than
one million people who'll not survive this week...and even luckier if you have accessible care.
If You Have Never Experienced the Danger of Battle, The Loneliness of Imprisonment, The Agony of Torture, Or The Pangs of Starvation......
....then you are ahead of 300 million people in the world.
If You Can Attend Any Meeting You Want -Political, Religious, Social......
.....then you are luckier than 3 billion people in the world.
If You Have Food In the fridge, Cloths On Your Back, A Roof Overhead And A Place To Sleep ......
...then you are richer than 75% of this world.
If You Have Money In the Bank, In Your Wallet, And Spare Change In A dish Someplace......
....then you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.
Joseph Stalin once said "One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic." I do not throw these numbers out to numb the mind or take away from the individual tragedy each represents, but as a reminder to myself. How blessed am I.... What am I doing with that blessing? In the face of God justice kisses the lips of mercy. As a follower of Christ I believe I am called to work against injustice and practice mercy. May I always remember the individual God breathed lives that these numbers represent, may I never become "comfortably numb".

Orange farm

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Seeing Eleanor Rigby in the Mirror

on the pavement Posted by Hello

A friend recently used the word "Shibboleth" in a blog entry and somehow this locution resonated with me and brought order to some of the cacophony of thoughts and ideas that have been moiling about my mind and soul lately.
What is my search for community about? Is it about finding a way to serve others? Or a way to meet one's own needs. Am I looking to affirm or to be affirmed?
Shibboleth is a term from the Hebrew which represents a linguistic password. It's a way of acknowledging those who are a part of the in group and those who are not. A form of inclusion that is meant to exclude. Those who speak correctly are allowed to live. Those who mispronounce, misunderstand, miss the boat; they are put to the sword. How true in today's disconnected, individualistic, consumer driven, in-group seeking world. People desperately searching for a way in which to belong to something, anything, just so they won't be left alone. Alone to face themselves. Alone to face God, naked, without the comfort of slogans or mantras or inner-ring conceits. C.S. Lewis wrote that the desire to be a part of an "Inner Ring" is one of the most powerful driving forces of human behaviour and thought. In his words "The quest of the Inner Ring will break your hearts unless you break it." (The Weight of Glory) To Lewis both "pining and moping outside Rings that you can never enter" and "passing triumphantly further and further in" are dangerous states of being. In each of those possibilities the rings tighten and strangle the soul that seeks to cleave and find true relationship. Rings like this dictate that you sacrifice your true self on the alter of conformity and that you demand others do the same. A false offering that cannot heal. the smoke does not rise.
Relationship is a good and natural desire. We, created in the very image of a God who is relationship personified, must have connection in order to live. But, fallen and broken we turn what is a thing of beauty and freedom into yet another weapon. One that we believe we are using in self defense, not realizing that those who live by this sword, die by it. How do we take the blade and beat in into a plowshare? In the words of Edward Markham
He drew a circle that shut me out,
heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win;
We drew a circle that took him in.

Love, being a receptical of the enduring never ending eternally inclusionary love of God can turn us from seeking an inner ring to seekers of circles in which the centre is eternal and the circumference nowhere. (apologies to Timaeus of Locris)

Monday, January 10, 2005

Satan Seen at Cinema

random picture-no real relation to this entry Posted by Hello

I read a little piece today about a 19 year old man who was forced to leave a theatre amidst cat calls and thrown food. The reason? He was at a showing of Mel Gibson's "The Passion" wearing a bright red devil's costume. Faithful evangelicals upset by his presence demanded his removal and pelted him with food and wrappers (let he without sin throw the kernel?). The theatre owners are now instituting a rule that no one will be given admittance if wearing costumes of evil entities. (I wonder how will they handle Star Wars fans dressing as Vador for Episode 3?) The reason for his attire? He wore it in order to "prove there was no God." If there was a God, surely this God would strike him down for what he was doing. Besides the twisted humour I see in this it did bring up some interesting thoughts.

1) What sort of petty small view of God are we giving the world? A petulant being who is so concerned with self image that he will smite anyone who tries to defy him by wearing a culturally derived costume of Belezabub? A god who does not seem to mind being mocked by those who hate and destroy in his name, but cannot take insolence shown towards a movie? I don't believe in any such god either. God is so much bigger and more than that. However; I fear many Christians project the petty god as the true nature of God. When we decry purple telletubies, when we focus all our energy on hating the sin and none on loving our neighbour, when we become rule bound, legislation living, humourless beings, we paint the picture that the world sees. I imagine the fact that this view of a small god is so prevalent is more an affront to the true God than that red costume ever could be.

2) How much do we worship media and image? In thinking that mocking this movie could be the same as mocking God this young man is a metaphor for the way in which we view our symbols and idols. In thinking that they were defending "God Himself" by defending this movie the Christians in the audience were linking the Represented with the representation. Attempting to ridicule a work of art, is not the same as defiling the Sacred. Mel Gibson made a movie that represented his vision of a portion of the story of God. But it is not, in face, a manifestation of God. This is not a case of touching the Ark of the Covenent or entering the Holy of Holy's. Again, God is being made far to small.
If you decide that wearing a devil's costume is appealing, here is a website for you.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Recanting Resolution Rejection

Earlier in the New Year I thought about not wanting to make resolutions this year; but I've decided to reconsider. I meant every word of my statement of revolution, every breath, every fibre, every heart beat confirms their veracity. However; that said, I think I was a little all-too-serious in tossing aside the notion of resolutions. Life needs a little whimsy (and I love whimsy)and setting goals for the New Year can provide that and give motivation and encouragement to find new paths. So, in the spirit of beginnings I'm going to mix up a New Years Goals List with items on my "Things To Do Before I Die List."
The road to be taken.......
Posted by Hello
Picking random selections to accomplish by the end of 2005.

1) Read:
The Brothers Karamazov: Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Slaughterhouse Five: Kurt Vonnegut
Krapp's Last Tape: Samuel Beckett
The Glass Bead Game: Hermann Hesse
Phenomenology of Spirit: GWF. Hegel

2) Watch:
A clockwork orange: Movie
A live version of Le' Boheme: Opera
The sun rise and set over the ocean sunset at the same place on the
same day: Life

3) Do:
Organize time better, less procrastination more intentionality (ongoing
Give "I love knowing you" gifts anonymously, make sure they never find
out ......
Volunteer with the Salvation Army

Learn the names of the "street people" I come in contact with.....
Visit a country I haven't yet set foot upon

Find & purchase a piece of art that I love; in a flea market
Dance like nobody's watching, even when they are

Go camping(yes even though I've spent much of my life in beautiful BC,I've never camped)
Spend a day in silence at the abbey

Do a wine sampling tour
Begin learning Latin

All in all, this looks like the beginnings of an interesting year....but someone out there really got this resolution list right. I am so going to steal this idea

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Exceedingly Random Thoughts in the Wee hours of the Morning.....

Originally uploaded by wabi6.

I see a new KFC is going up near campus, ach, I hates the friggin KFC, which puts an addictive chemical in theirr chicken that makes you crrave it forrtnightly. Acht! I hate the Colonel, wi' his wee beady eyes.

(props to those who recognize the source quote)

Now for people who REALLY hate KFC.....