Thursday, March 10, 2005

IF, if, if........

Originally uploaded by wabi6.

I have a habit, a little peccadillo if you will, of reading and enjoying the "If" series of books. Basically these are conversation starter books that pose hypothetical questions. I find them fun (yeah yeah call me a nerd!)

Here are a few:
If you were to define what true personal freedom is, what would you say? Well the cliche is, of course, "nothing left to loose" and to a degree I say yes....but maybe not in the way that the Bard Mitchell meant it....for me true personal freedom would come when I loose my attachments to my material goods, when I truly possess them but am not possessed by them. Being able to walk away without regret from all the little "things" that I use to define my just be...that is freedom.

If you were to complete the phrase "I love my life when....," how would you finish it? hmmm well there are a myriad of ways I can think of to finish this statement...I'll just list two. 1) I love my life when I notice what beautiful music the song of the "ordinary" truly makes. A rather clumsy poetical attempt to note that this universe is alive and God-drenched in wonders we all too often blithely pass on open my eyes and see those wonders and small everyday miracles is to be joyful. 2) I love my life when I live it rather than avoid it. Simplistic? Yes. Simple for me to do? Definitely not.

If you were to name what you have the most compassion for, what would it be?
Those who are rejected and ignored in their misery. Driving down East Vancouver can break your heart.

Finally end on a fun note. If you could have the characters of any painting come to life, which painting would you choose? Well sure there are the great answers like Rembrant's prodigal Son, or the romantic knights and women of J.W. Waterhouse....but in reality it would probably be
something cheesy like this because, really, who wouldn't want a flying horse?

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