bridge from Washington to Oregon
Never really thought before on how often bridges are used as metaphors. We speak of bridging the gap between thou and I. We conceptualize the Cross as a bridge between death and life, sin and holiness, God and humanity. We warn against burning bridges. We worry about whether or not a difference of opinion is unbridgable. Mothers wonder if we'd really jump off of bridges just becuase Jane/John did.
So, why this random potpuri of bridge comments? Can't really say. Just food for thought I guess. Which parts of my life need a bridge? After all, bridges allow us to pass over the unpassable. What in my life can I not get over or through that is holding me back? I need to discern which oceans I'm afraid of drowning in, before I can figure out how to build a passage over them. I guess this means I'll just have to cross that bridge when it's right to come to it.
Interestingly, as I was writing this I opened MSN explorer in another window-my home page generates a quote each time and the quote I recieved was "I demolish my bridges behind me...then there is no choice but to move forward." -Firdtj of Nansen
Well, Clarence jumped off a bridge just because George Bailey did. :)
I was wondering if you would bring that up. (:
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