Earlier in the New Year I thought about not wanting to make resolutions this year; but I've decided to reconsider. I meant every word of my statement of revolution, every breath, every fibre, every heart beat confirms their veracity. However; that said, I think I was a little all-too-serious in tossing aside the notion of resolutions. Life needs a little whimsy (and I love whimsy)and setting goals for the New Year can provide that and give motivation and encouragement to find new paths. So, in the spirit of beginnings I'm going to mix up a New Years Goals List with items on my "Things To Do Before I Die List."

The road to be taken.......

Picking random selections to accomplish by the end of 2005.
1) Read:
The Brothers Karamazov: Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Slaughterhouse Five: Kurt Vonnegut
Krapp's Last Tape: Samuel Beckett
The Glass Bead Game: Hermann Hesse
Phenomenology of Spirit: GWF. Hegel
2) Watch:
A clockwork orange: Movie
A live version of Le' Boheme: Opera
The sun rise and set over the ocean sunset at the same place on the
same day: Life
3) Do:
Organize time better, less procrastination more intentionality (ongoing
Give "I love knowing you" gifts anonymously, make sure they never find
out ......
Volunteer with the Salvation Army
Learn the names of the "street people" I come in contact with.....
Visit a country I haven't yet set foot upon
Find & purchase a piece of art that I love; in a flea market
Dance like nobody's watching, even when they are
Go camping(yes even though I've spent much of my life in beautiful BC,I've never camped)
Spend a day in silence at the abbey
Do a wine sampling tour
Begin learning Latin
All in all, this looks like the beginnings of an interesting year....but someone out there really got this resolution list right. I am so going to steal
this idea