Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Survey Says
A Different Kind of Survey
Found this survey on another blog and I thought I'd give it a whirl.
Without pretending, describe yourself in one word:
Curious. (or Compassionate)
Without complaining, describe your day:An average day? Wake up, shower, devotions, eat, work on thesis, clean up around apartment, coffee with a friend, go to work, go for a walk, eat, thesis, pack for move, read, phone with friend, eat ; tv, final thesis moments, web play, take book to bed, sleep.
Without money, what is one entertaining thing you can do:Walk along the ocean, build a sandcastle or two...
Without doubts, what are you sure of:
There is love.
Without time, what would you say to someone you love:
You are loved.
Without shame, describe your favourite toy:
My rubber chicken.
Without guilt, describe your favourite dessert:Mom's homemade rice-pudding with vanilla ice cream.
Without selfishness, whom would you do something for and why:Take the time and effort to find out what is the perfect and unexpected thing I could do for a friend that would make thier day, and then do it.
Without Certantity What do you Hope for:
That I shall one day tell my grandkids about my youthful adventures, and be the hippest grandma to ever rock in a rocker...
Without Bragging What is One Unique Skill You have:Well it certainly isn't brag-worthy, but unique yes. If I ever get itchy ears, I can scratch them by making this weird gulpy sound in my throat....
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
working hard

working hard
Originally uploaded by wabi6.
Well, now that thesis is finally drawing to a close...it's time to share those sites that helped me keep (or loose, depending on your view of it) my sanity...
A few of the more quirky ways I found to procrastinate.
Here is a site that for some reason I was captivated by...something to do with the hypnotic gaze of the noble llamas...the catchy beat...and the random weirdness...I guess. Enjoy!
Speaking of random weirdness...what better way to pay homage to Star Wars than by showing what it would have been like if Lucas cast VEGETABLES! (make your own joke about Lucas dialogue here).
This is a prime example of what happens when Bible college students have too much spare time. All in good fun.
No matter how many times I see this video I always Laugh One of my favourite comedy central clips.
A few good ways to avoid reading about the phenomenological imperative can be found here
If you want to really find ways to avoid working on your reference page check out someone (not in bible school) who has way way way too much time on his hands. a link or two
Of course Bunnies re-enacting epic movies is a productive way to gear up towards working on lit review.
Finally, if you're going to be good and only procrastinate for a minute or two...then use that minute to brush up on the classics.