world on fire

Prayer is not a device to arouse God, to make Him aware of us and our needs. God is always aware of us and our needs. God is always aware. The true purpose of prayer is to arouse us, to keep us aware of our obligations - toward our community, our people, our God, and even toward ourselves. Prayer is a means of keeping us spiritually alert and morally awake.
These words of the Dubner Maggi hold a deep truth that I would do well to heed. Too often I try to shape my words to God in order to try and shape God Himself. I talk, but little I listen. Many people believe prayer is merely talking to oneself. How tragic that while I believe that prayer is one of the few things actually capable of taking one beyond oneself, all too often I am indeed holding a conversation for one, not worshiping the One. Not because He is not listening, but because I am not. The cacophony of noise I create leaves little room for the still small voice. I know so well what I want. But filled with distractions I cannot be empty enough to be filled with Him. I yearn for more but focus on the yearning not on the One I yearn for. I know, but knowledge without action is merely whispers in the void.
May I learn to pray in silence. May I learn to focus on my obligations and not solely on my desires. May I stop praying with empty words and start praying with meaningful action. May I be more in the ways I need to be more and less in the ways I need to be less.
Lord, hear my prayer, may I hear your Voice.