Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Survey Says

A Different Kind of Survey

Found this survey on another blog and I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Without pretending, describe yourself in one word:
Curious. (or Compassionate)

Without complaining, describe your day:An average day? Wake up, shower, devotions, eat, work on thesis, clean up around apartment, coffee with a friend, go to work, go for a walk, eat, thesis, pack for move, read, phone with friend, eat ; tv, final thesis moments, web play, take book to bed, sleep.

Without money, what is one entertaining thing you can do:Walk along the ocean, build a sandcastle or two...

Without doubts, what are you sure of:
There is love.

Without time, what would you say to someone you love:
You are loved.

Without shame, describe your favourite toy:
My rubber chicken.

Without guilt, describe your favourite dessert:Mom's homemade rice-pudding with vanilla ice cream.

Without selfishness, whom would you do something for and why:Take the time and effort to find out what is the perfect and unexpected thing I could do for a friend that would make thier day, and then do it.

Without Certantity What do you Hope for:
That I shall one day tell my grandkids about my youthful adventures, and be the hippest grandma to ever rock in a rocker...

Without Bragging What is One Unique Skill You have:Well it certainly isn't brag-worthy, but unique yes. If I ever get itchy ears, I can scratch them by making this weird gulpy sound in my throat....

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